Mobile Hot water pressure cleaners
Mobile Hot Water Pressure Cleaners heat their own water for better cleaning where grease and oil is present, or where sanitization and hygiene is necessary. Best suited for the Food Industry, Transport and Machinery Industry, etc.
240 Volt
240 volt Hot Water Pressure Cleaners are the most popular for Small Business use, such as Mechanical Workshops, Small Car Dealerships and Detailers, or Food Producers where 415 volt power is not convenient. Note that the larger units require a 15 amp outlet- this can be identified by a longer than normal vertical slot for the earth pin on the outlet
415 Volt
415 volt Hot Water Pressure Cleaners are best suited for Industrial Users, where 415volt power is readily available. They are much more powerful and durable than the 240 volt machines. Commonly used by the Food and Meat Industry, Heavy Transport and Machinery, and Manufacturing.
internal combustion engine
Hot Water Pressure Cleaners with a Petrol or Diesel engine are best suited for outdoor use where no electricity is available. They are used by Local Councils for sanitation and chewing gum removal, Building and Construction, Landscapers, Farmers, and Mining.